Micro hello world
1 环境搭建
work | version |
System | windows 8.1 |
golang | go version go1.13.4 windows/amd64 |
micro | micro version 1.18.0 |
Consul | Consul v1.6.2 |
protoc | libprotoc 3.10.1 |
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#linux 下 export GO111MODULE=on export GOPROXY=https://goproxy.io # windows下设置如下环境变量 setx GO111MODULE on setx GOPROXY https://goproxy.io # 使用如下指令安装 go get -u -v github.com/micro/micro go get -u -v github.com/micro/go-micro $ micro --help; NAME: micro - A microservice runtime USAGE: micro.exe [global options] command [command options] [arguments...] VERSION: 1.18.0
protoc protoc download
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下载依赖 go get -u github.com/golang/protobuf/{proto,protoc-gen-go} go get -u github.com/micro/protoc-gen-micro $ protoc // 查看是否安装成功! Usage: D:\file\gopath\bin\bin\protoc.exe [OPTION] PROTO_FILES Parse PROTO_FILES and generate output based on the options given: -IPATH, --proto_path=PATH Specify the directory in which to search for
consul consul download
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$ consul --help; Usage: consul [--version] [--help] <command> [<args>] Available commands are:
micro new lichaocheng.top/microapp/hello
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$ micro new lichaocheng.top/microapp/hello Creating service go.micro.srv.hello in D:\file\gopath\src\lichaocheng.top\microapp\hello . ├── main.go ├── generate.go ├── plugin.go ├── handler │ └── hello.go ├── subscriber │ └── hello.go ├── proto\hello │ └── hello.proto ├── Dockerfile ├── Makefile ├── README.md └── go.mod download protobuf for micro: brew install protobuf go get -u github.com/golang/protobuf/{proto,protoc-gen-go} go get -u github.com/micro/protoc-gen-micro compile the proto file hello.proto: cd D:\file\gopath\src\lichaocheng.top\microapp\hello protoc --proto_path=.:$GOPATH/src --go_out=. --micro_out=. proto/hello/hello.proto
生成 protoc golang 和 micro golang 代码
$ pwd /d/file/gopath/src/lichaocheng.top/microapp/hello Cc@ChaoChengLi MINGW64 /d/file/gopath/src/lichaocheng.top/microapp/hello $ protoc –proto_path=. –go_out=. –micro_out=. proto/hello/hello.proto
go run 运行
$ go run main.go 2020-01-08 15:47:06.698568 I | Transport [http] Listening on [::]:7830 2020-01-08 15:47:06.698568 I | Broker [http] Connected to [::]:7831 2020-01-08 15:47:06.718288 I | Registry [mdns] Registering node: go.micro.srv.hello-114e6b46-c746-4ac4-a68c-ed1493afd1ea 2020-01-08 15:47:06.825266 I | Subscribing go.micro.srv.hello-114e6b46-c746-4ac4-a68c-ed1493afd1ea to topic: go.micro.srv.hello 2020-01-08 15:47:06.841276 I | Subscribing go.micro.srv.hello-114e6b46-c746-4ac4-a68c-ed1493afd1ea to topic: go.micro.srv.hello
micro api
注意其中的–namespace 参数,我们每一个微服务都属于一个命名空间,通过 api 暴露出来该命名空间后,满足 go.micro.srv.*格式的微服务都可以访问。如 go.micro.srv.hello 可以通过如下格式访问
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$ micro api --namespace=go.micro.srv 2020-01-08 16:02:18 [api] Registering API Default Handler at / 2020-01-08 16:02:18 [api] HTTP API Listening on [::]:8080 2020-01-08 16:02:18 [api] Starting [service] go.micro.api 2020-01-08 16:02:18 [api] Server [grpc] Listening on [::]:8026 2020-01-08 16:02:18 [api] Broker [http] Connected to [::]:8027 2020-01-08 16:02:18 [api] Registry [mdns] Registering node: go.micro.api-3ccde675-c78b-4b20-a0d8-9b2674e2f1b2