
English 时态


  1. 一般现在时(Present Simple)


    • I write an email to my boss every day.(我每天给我的老板写邮件)
    • She always drinks coffee in the morning.(她每天早上喝咖啡)
    • The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.(太阳从东方升起,从西方落下)
  2. 一般过去时(Past Simple)


    • We went to the beach last weekend.(我们上周末去了海滩)
    • He studied English for three hours yesterday.(他昨天学习英语三个小时)
    • They played soccer every afternoon when they were kids.(他们小时候每天下午都踢足球)
  3. 将来时(Future Simple)


    • He will meet his friend at the airport tomorrow.(他明天会在机场见他的朋友)
    • I will cook dinner for my family tonight.(今晚我会为我的家人做饭)
    • They will take a vacation next month.(他们下个月会去度假)
  4. 现在进行时(Present Continuous)


    • She is reading a book right now.(她现在正在看书)
    • They are having a meeting in the conference room.(他们正在会议室开会)
    • I am learning to play guitar.(我正在学习弹吉他)
  5. 过去进行时(Past Continuous)


    • He was watching TV when she arrived.(她到达时他正在看电视)
    • I was walking in the park when it started raining.(下雨时我正在公园里散步)
    • They were studying for their exams all night.(他们整晚都在备考)
  6. 将来进行时(Future Continuous)

    用于表示将来某个时间正在进行的动作通常使用助动词“will be”加上动词的现在分词构成例如:

    • I will be traveling to Europe this summer.(今年夏天我会去欧洲旅行)
    • They will be working on the project all day tomorrow.(明天一整天他们都会在工作这个项目)
    • We will be waiting for you at the airport.(我们会在机场等你)
  7. 完成时(Present Perfect)


    • They have lived in this city for ten years.(他们已经在这个城市居住了十年)
    • She has watched that movie three times.(她已经看了那部电影三遍)
    • I have studied English since I was a child.(我从小学习英语至今)
  8. 过去完成进行时(Past Perfect Continuous)

    用于表示过去某个时间之前一直在进行的动作通常使用助动词“had been”加上动词的现在分词构成例如:

    • He had been working on the project for two weeks before herealized he had made a mistake.(他在意识到自己犯了一个错误之前已经连续工作了两周)
    • We had been waiting for the bus for an hour when it finally arrived.(公交车终于到站时,我们已经等了一个小时了)
    • They had been studying English every day for a year before they took the TOEFL exam.(在参加托福考试之前,他们已经连续一年每天都在学习英语)
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